Well, I have a bunch of parting shots to share about Ecuador -- about 40 photos. If you believe a picture is worth 1,000 words, here's your chance to be a speed reader. You can browse right through these, only stopping to enjoy the interesting ones. don't worry about text; you'll only see it in cases where the photos aren't self-explanatory.
Nice to have you along on the Ecuador excursion. Next stop: Tijuana! But for now, here are some memories:
Shot this photo at the Atlanta airport. No explanation needed.
The Quito Airport had some whimsical takes on fast food . . .
. . . and was probably the only place in all of Quito where used TP actually went into the bowl.
Our home stay was in a building, owned by the host family, that included a small convenience store.
The kitchen where our meals were prepared.
Chabelo, who made sure no-one got close without being announced.
Street name painted on a wall
Strange--there were a lot of streets with the "Doble Via" name. That had to be confusing for the taxi drivers.
Graffiti was quite creative.
La Floresta was the name of the barrio where we stayed.
Many of you may recognize this as the micro credit loaning bank.
This is a brew pub.
Other scenes
If you can provide a reasonable explanation of why this Coca Cola product is yellow, I'll name an indestructbible futbol in your honor.
Grab shot at a toll booth.
Lunch counter at the market.
American and Ecudorean quarters have equal purchasing power.
For scale, look at the iceberg lettuce. No idea what these gargantuan snails were about.
At the market, the pigs were fairly docile . . .
. . . until it became time to get in the truck.
One if by tail, two if by ear. . . |
Guinea pigs on a stick await your plate.
For obvious reasons, this demands explanation. These figures are not Klu Klux Klans members on their way to the prom. It's my understanding that at Easter, Penitents wear such outfits to conceal their identities as they atone for their sins, presumably to avoid personal ostentation.
Robert, Melanie
and Wilson
Sorry, Melanie isn't in this end-of-school photo of Wilson, Mariana and me--because she took it.
Love the colors, not a fan of the piggies on a stick